Here are a few of the queries we get asked by clients during our mentoring sessions. We can provide you with tips and ideas to help you grow your business, which cover everything from social media to images.

  • Do I need an email signature?

Always use an email signature on both your new and reply emails.

The reason: Make it easy for people to contact you i.e. find your phone number, postal address, website and social media accounts.

Your email signature should be clear and consistent across all devices.  A well-designed signature shows professionalism while also promoting your business, website or blog. It can contain all the relevant information a customer needs to know about you or your business while also showing your openness to communicate.

  • Do I need to name my photographs?

You should always rename your photographs before uploading.

The reason: Make your images stand out in Google image search and drive more traffic to your website.

By saving your images with a relevant name, you are helping Google understand the content of the page that you posted the image on. This will help that page show up higher in regular search results for the subject.

  • What can I use social media icons for?

Use Social Media Icons on your business cards and promotional material.

The reason: Make it easy for customers to find you on social media. It also lets them know, which platforms you use. Include your URL/@handle if your name is different to your business name.

Every business should also have social media icons on its website to direct customers to the various platforms. Social media users are more likely to follow you when they see the icons on your site and are easily directed to your accounts.